for the Greeks, or Pluto, for the Romans, it is the God that
reins absolute in the underground profundities, in the World
of the Dead. King of the darkness, Pluto commands everything
that happens in the most instinctive profundities of the human
mind. Its action over the man is veiled and mysterious, but as
inevitable as the death. |
With the end
of the first Star War everybody believed that the biggest Earth
battle had ended... a big mistake.
In the year of
2356, you are in Antaurus, one of the Universal Federation most
important base. Located in Pluto, this base has a strategic positionment
in this Solar System.
The avanced Base's
defense system seems doesn't have any effect over the surprise
attack of the Grogr army, that spreads powerful over Antaurus'
premises. |
The invasion alarm rings incessantly and in few
seconds, troops with the death screened on the face start dominating
the whole base exterminating everything they find on their way.
You are inside
this hurricane and this isn't a place for cowards. Where the
only thing to be sure is the death, to kill or die.
The central computer
will send you the instructions to help to keep the base, but
before , try to survive - if you're able to. |
Hades is a game where
you see through the main character, use weapons and equipment
in 3D sceneries where the battles against your enemies happen.
The technology
used in Hades' creation allowed a great wealth of details in
sceneries, weapons and characters, turning the game more realistic
and exciting.
The minimun configuration
for the game utilization is Pentium II or K6II with 64MB of RAM.
The recommended configuration is Pentium III with 64 MB of RAM,
3D adapted accelerator although, with an inferior equipment you
can play it, but the action won't be the same.
HADES 2 is a
project begun in May, 1999, and concluded in December, 2000.
The launching is predicted to occur in June of 2001. |